Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm sitting in school right now and I've realized a few things about school:

1 School sucks... I mean I need to know this stuff and it is really important don't get me wrong. It just sucks having to do school work all day everyday. Life doesn't get more lame than doing homework when you could be having a good time with your friends. I'm young and I still need to do alot of cool stuff. Getting school done will help with the ability to do more cool stuff but it gets so old...

2 Rexburg is getting lame. I am about 90% positive that I have done every fun thing that there is to do here in Rexburg and the one hobby that I do have right now (which is golf) is getting very expensive. Living off of $7.50 an hour part time is kind of a problem.

3 Choosing what I want to do for a living right now is kinda a big deal. Jensen JEWeler had a job opening and I went and applied and not so surprisingly the manager liked me. We talked for a good while about what is important for us in our lives and I realized that What I wanted in my life is totally different than what I want. Living in a small little town selling jewelery is definitely not what I would call the dream life. Small little towns are killing me. This mans dream of what I could have been to that company made me open up my eyes and realize how important this school stuff really is. I will not be stuck here in the "Burg" for the rest of my life because I would slay myself here.

So I have to go to class now. My life is still legit, I don't want to confuse anyone with my rant. I could not love it more. These thoughts just popped into my mind and it had to be said.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


So this is my first time that I have ever written a blog or anything of the sort, and it is surprisingly interesting. I figured that everyone else is doing it and why not me?

There are a few things that have been bugging me with blogs though so if I do them then I may not forgive myself. The spelling errors kill me... I can't stand them. I know that I am going to have my fair share of them though. So for those of you who are reading this or seeing this whomever you may be, sit back, relax, and pop a cold one and enjoy what happens in my life.

The Beginning

My name is Steven McClellan and this is my blog.