Monday, October 20, 2008

Button up Jeans and Urinals

Today I learned something that was seriously ticking me off. So I'm in school and I gotta use the restroom and like any guy I go to the urinal and to my disgust I noticed that I was wearing jeans with those buttons instead of a zipper. It may have been the most frustrating thing that I have ever experienced so far this semester. I had to sit there for like 5 minutes undoing those buttons! I was ready to just rip the things off or just go in them. I really had to go and those buttons were just hanging on for dear life. I did get them undone but it took forever. I figure that I will never use a urinal again while I have these things on. The jeans do look good though and they are a decent brand (paperdenim&cloth) so I am going to keep rockin them of course, but man... that button thing is annoying.

On the side note I have decided to start saving my money again by stop going on dates. We'll see how long that actually lasts. Hopefully a while so I can save up some serious cash because I need it. So I am retired from dating girls for a season. Unless Some supermodel babe wants to date me I'm done for a while.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Life in General

Life is something that has treated me with the utmost respect. I feel as though somehow my life has been blessed from the heavens by forces unbeknown to many of those who walk the travelers course of this world. Sitting here in the library up at school can sometimes make me feel as though I am a part of a greater cause; a cause that is so amazing that I myself do not fully comprehend what it is in it's entirety.

What my role in life may be is clear to me, and I know what I want to do, but there seems to be a purpose to what I am doing right now that does not seem to be clear. I'm fine with the eternal perspective of things, school is priority right now, dating girls is important and seems to be turning my wallet into some kind of disappearing trick (though I know that tricks are something whores do for money) or illusion.

In order to feel content with my life I have decided to make a couple of goals to get things done within the next year or so. Backpacking a foreign country seems to be the best of these goals as of yet. School is important and what not but I feel as though it is pointless and will only serve me as a stepping stone to get on with life and also to make me happy with accomplishing a task that more than 60% of those my age have already done. Life will go on legitimately as the title of my blog suggests. I have met people that are making my life more pleasurable as far as the social aspect of things go.

I'd like to relate my life to the classic hit single made by Tupac Shakur titled "Ghetto Gospel" in which he states " ...I feel his hand on my brain, when I write rhymes I go blind, and let the Lord do his thang!" I had to throw that in there because it has been my favorite song for the last couple of days haha